Pictures of the Lotus Evora at Holiday Inn Colchester

I've been a bit lazy posting stuff on this blog (being kind to myself, I could just say I've had other priorities). As a minor update, I took some photos of my Lotus Evora as it was parked at Holiday Inn Colchester on a nice sunny day. The Evora is an insanely beautiful car. I don't think there are many cars more beautiful. Is the Evora the most beautiful car of all time (as well as the most underrated car of all time)? I'm biased, but in all honesty I think it's more beautiful that the Lamborghini Miura.

Image: Picture 1 of 3 - front and side

Image: Picture 2 of 3 - rear and side

Image: Picture 3 of 3 - bottom from a distance (surrounded by "normal" cars, it looks like something from another world!)
